GreenSeeker Crop Sensing System

GreenSeeker Crop Sensing System


  • Provides instant sidedress fertilizer application for inputs such as nitrogen
  • Uses optical sensors to measure and quantify crop health—or vigour
  • Compatible with the FmX® integrated display
  • Works with most variable rate controllers and delivery systems
  • Can be mounted on booms on most sprayers/spreaders

The Trimble® GreenSeeker® crop sensing system helps you effectively and precisely manage crop inputs on-the-go. With GreenSeeker, you can address field variability by applying the right amount of fertilizer, in the right place, at the right time.

The GreenSeeker system uses optical sensors to measure and quantify the variability of the crop. It then creates a targeted prescription to treat the crop variability. Use GreenSeeker to apply your UAN, UREA, and NH3 to help increase crop yields and ultimately increase your profitability.


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